„Raising Humans in a Digital World”
Raising children who will use technology safely and wisely is more challenging than ever. In this presentation, Graber will explain how young children develop the skills they will need to navigate the digital world when they get older, and what older children must know to use tech confidently. Parents will understand the four building blocks of a healthy relationship with technology.
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Diana Graber
a digital literacy educator and advocate, is the author of “Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology” (HarperCollins Leadership, 2019). She is the founder of Cyberwise, a leading online safety organization, and the creator and founder of Cyber Civics, the popular and innovative middle school digital literacy program currently being taught in schools in 43 US states, and internationally. In 2017 Graber was honored with the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) Media Literacy Teacher Award. She still teaches Cyber Civics to middle school students at Journey School in Aliso Viejo, CA, and has taught “Media Psychology” at the graduate level. Graber earned a B.A. in Communication Studies from UCLA and an M.A. in Media Psychology and Social Change from Fielding Graduate University. She travels widely, speaking to parent groups and training teachers to teach Cyber Civics in their own schools. Graber lives with her family in Southern California.
Od 2009 roku uczy w Zespole Szkół Powszechnych w Damasławku. Laureat konkursu Wielkopolski Nauczyciel Roku 2019. Jeden z trzech certyfikowanych trenerów Google dla Edukacji w Polsce. Autor wielu publikacjiz zakresu wykorzystania TiK, w tym książki: „TiK w Pigułce – narzędziownik nauczyciela”. (wyd. CRE EDICON, 2019).Trener i edukator umiejętności ICT. Członek społeczności SuperBelfrzy RP.Prelegent wielu konferencji oraz autor warsztatów związanych z wykorzystaniem technologii w edukacji.
W 2021 roku wpisany na listę 100 osób wyróżnionych przez SPRUC za działalność na rzecz rozwijania umiejętności cyfrowych w Polsce.
Lider Google Educator Grup Poland (GEG Poland). Współtwórca pierwszego w Polsce podcastu edukacyjnego o technologiach Google – Go4edu.
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